30 May 10 Keys To Creating Astonishing Website Content That Attracts Clients
10 Keys To Creating Astonishing Website Content That Attracts Clients
Do the words “website content” cause your stress levels to rise? You know that creating compelling content for your digital marketing is important but you are not sure where to start. If you are a business owner or non-profit leader you have a lot on your plate already and thinking about creating content for your website is easy to shove down the to-do list because you have more pressing matters to take care of.
Have you considered the fact that many customers very first impression of you will be through website content?
That’s far too important to keep ignoring and should lead you to the question, “How do I create great website content?”
With time is limited it’s even more important to get it right. You don’t want to waste time creating content that doesn’t attract or connect with the people you want to reach. We put together a list of 10 Keys To Creating Astonishing Website Content designed to help you create content that connects with people and keeps them engaged with your message and brand.
10 Keys To Creating Astonishing Website Content That Attracts Clients
1. Stop Trying To Be The Hero
Great communication begins with an understanding of WHO the communication is for. Spoiler Alert: It’s not you. You communicate to engage, help and persuade others, not just to hear the sound of your own voice or read your own words. This is the biggest mistake that people make when creating content. They make the content all about them and not the people they are trying to talk to. The more you forget about yourself and obsess over your customer the more you will be heard. What are their problems, fears, hopes, and dream? Speak to those things in your message and you will be heard. Constantly remind everyone how awesome you are and how your company was started by your grandfather 100 years ago and prepare to be tuned out.
2. Be Clear
You may have heard the phrase before, “Content is King” but the real truth is that “Clarity Is King”. The Internet is flooded with content and noise. In a cluttered market of ideas, the value of clarity is always going up.
Clarity is what cuts through the noise. Clarity is what causes people to connect with your words. Be clear and specific. What problem are you trying to solve? Who are you trying to help? Who is your product or service for? Who is it NOT for? Ask yourself questions to help define who you are talking to and what problem you are trying to solve for them. Concrete and specific words and descriptions stick in peoples heads better.
If you forget all the other keys but remember to be clear, you will have put yourself at a great advantage.
3. Call People To Action
People want to be led somewhere. Take them on a journey that calls them to action. Don’t just think about what you want people to know. Put thought into what you want to challenge them to do. This doesn’t always have to be guiding them to A Buy Now button or urging them to call your phone number. It may be guiding them to take another step to learn more, downloading a helpful resource or signing up to a newsletter. Think of your communication and marketing as what it is a conversation with an actual person. Kind of like if you were on a date. Don’t ask your clients to marry you on the first date.
4. Define the Problem
Talking about problems sounds negative. It can be tempting to avoid talking about problems and constantly talk about solutions, features, and benefits. If you don’t define the problem in your content, people will tune it out. They think that it must not apply to them because they don’t understand what problem your product or service is trying to solve. When you describe someone’s problem in detail though they engage and connect with your message because they know it’s for them.
5. Address Internal and External Issues
Another common mistake people make when creating content is only focusing on talking about external problems. Most likely your company is heavily focused on solving external problems for your clients. If you are roofer you fix leaking roofs. If you are a dentist you help hurting teeth etc. It’s easy to talk about external problems because they are to put it bluntly, obvious. But external problems are only part of the picture. That client with the leaking roof has internal problems as well. Perhaps they are nervous and uncertain about dealing with an insurance claim because they have never done it before. They feel insecure. Perhaps the dental client is self-conscious about their teeth and worried they will be judged for “not flossing enough”. These are the internal problems that are connected with your client’s external problem. Why is it important to think about internal problems? Because most customer decisions are based off of how they feel about their internal problems not external ones. It’s also the best opportunity you have to separate yourself from your competitors. They are calling a roofer because they have a leaking roof but they are going to hire the company that speaks best to their internal problem.
6. Think From Your Customers Perspective
Do you see a trend here? Thinking from your customers perspective is the giant key that unlocks powerful content and communication. Customers don’t choose the company that talks the most, they choose the company that understands them the most. Thinking from the customers perspective is an easy thing to say and it seems like an obvious thing to do but it’s not easy.
Why is it difficult? If you are a business owner or non-profit leader you typically have a lot of things going on. You are thinking about fires you have to put out with your team, next weeks payroll and perhaps those few clients that seem to really frustrate you. It can be hard to step out of your world and see your company through your clients or potential clients eyes. Try asking some of your better clients questions about how they see your company or organization and why they chose to use your product or service. Try to think about what the hopes, fears, and dreams might be of the typical person you serve. Try to see the world from their eyes, it might change everything for how you communicate.
7. Pay Attention to Details
Every piece of communication in your business or organization sends a message. From a blog post, social media image or even your company voice mail. Details matter. If you want people to assume that your customer service and work is high quality and meticulous, don’t sell yourself short by delivering low-quality communication. Use spell checker and grammar tools to help catch errors that may give off a bad impression. You don’t have to be perfect but it is important to put just as much effort into your communication as you do the work itself.
8. Be Authentic
Don’t try to present yourself or your organization as something you are not. Don’t use buzzwords and overdone phrases. If you or your company is a little quirky and has a sense of humor, embrace it. Don’t feel like you have to present a sterile corporate version of yourself because that is what everyone else is doing. At the same time, if you value being professional and proper don’t try to be quirky and funny because you think that’s what other people want. When you find your own unique voice you may be surprised how many people are eager to hear it.
9. Show What’s At Stake
What is the cost of not hiring your company? What might happen if the problem is ignored? You don’t have to become a fearmonger with your messaging but it is important that you present to people what’s at stake. You want to present to people a clear vision of success and let them know that you can help guide them to that future but the other side of that is showing them a clear vision of what failure looks like.
10. Be Consistent
Have you been guilty of the inspiration trap? You listen to a podcast about social media and for 2 weeks you are posting twice a day and then nothing for months?
Being inspired is great but being consistent is what will cause your content to engage and connect with people.
Be consistent with the way you present yourself and your company. Be consistent with the frequency at which you post on social media and your website.
Set a goal for how often you want to talk to your customers over various mediums, then cut that goal in half and deliver on it!
Creating astonishing website content that attracts clients really boils down to great communication.
Great communication is an art form that takes practice. This list is far from comprehensive. There is always something new to learn and apply to your communication skills. We hope that this list has given you something that you can apply to your business or non-profit to help create great content that engages people with your cause.
It’s time for key number 3. How will you take action to make your communication better? In a cluttered and noisy environment, you need clarity to cut through the noise and distinguish yourself from competitors.
What will you create? What message will you speak? What problem will you solve?
If you want to learn more about marketing or experience what it’s like to have a team of people working with you to create amazing content that attracts customers get in touch with us to learn more and make sure that your brand’s message is heard through the noise.