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10 Reasons Your Website Needs a Blog Yesterday!

With so many things you can do to market your business online, it can be both overwhelming and incredibly time-consuming. Because of this, business owners are quick to abandon areas of their online presence that could have an incredible impact. While it is important to spend your time wisely, you must also weigh the benefit of a task versus the investment of time. Doing so will help you decide where to invest your time, which tasks to delegate or outsource, and which tasks are not worthwhile. 

Many business owners wonder: does my website need a blog? Yes! Every website should have a compilation of blog posts that are updated regularly. There are many benefits to adding a blog to your website including improved SEO, customer education, generating website traffic, and more.

So, how does a blog actually benefit the bottom line of your business? Can you justify the investment of time or money that a blog would require? Does a blog affect the overall success of your business’ website? In this post, we will share 10 reasons why every website should have a blog. We will also share some helpful tips for getting started on high-quality blog posts that add value to your website.

Why Every Website Needs a Blog

If you’ve been wondering whether or not blogging is a worthwhile addition to your website, you’ve come to the right place. While there are many ways a blog benefits your website, the following reasons can improve your bottom line by driving traffic to both your website and your business.

1. Well-Written Blog Post Content Improves Your SEO

Benefits of Blog Posts for Business One of the best ways to improve your SEO is through well-written website content. While the content on each page of your website impacts your Search Engine Optimization, blog posts are a great way to add valuable content to the website. When writing a blog post with the intent of improving your SEO, be sure to utilize appropriate keywords throughout the post. 

Using quality internal and external links throughout the post and encouraging readers to share the post to social media will help to improve your SEO. You can learn more about improving your SEO here.

2. Blogs Are An Excellent Way to Educate Customers

Regardless of the type of product or service that your business sells, your customers will always benefit from additional education. Blogs are an excellent way to educate your customers in short, digestible posts. Share new ways to use your product, the benefits of your services, or introduce new offerings through a blog post.

You can also repurpose blog posts in monthly newsletters as an additional way to educate your community.

Social Media Marketing 3. Sharing Blogs on Social Media Generates Website Traffic

Speaking of repurposing blog posts, blog posts are a great way to share valuable content on various social media platforms. Share a link to your recent blog post on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn to generate traffic to your website.

4. Showcase Your Products & Services Through a Blog Post

As a business owner, you likely understand the fine line between marketing your products and oversharing. Using a blog post, you can utilize a soft-sell approach to share your products or services. By sharing useful, relevant information through a blog post, you can gradually turn readers into paying customers.

5. Blogs Give You a Competitive Edge On Others In Your Industry

Are you looking for a way to set yourself apart from other businesses in your industry? Although blogs provide great value, many businesses are not willing to invest the time or energy into this resource. By providing education, insight, and information through a blog, you give your business a leg up. 

6. Blog Posts Showcase Your Industry Expertise

Potential clients and customers are always looking for industry experts. Blog posts are a great way to showcase your expertise in your industry through education, research, and information. If you are in a more technical field, it is important to write your blog posts with your target audience in mind.

This may mean using more common phrases or relatable topics. Think of your blog as a way to generate further questions and conversations about the products and services that you offer.

7. Build Your Brand’s Personality Through a Blog

People gravitate toward businesses that have a personality. Your customers want to feel like they are personally connected to your mission, goals, and company. Through a blog post, you can engage with your community, share your story, and update your customers on the mission of your business. By sharing things that are important to you, you can involve your customers in areas of your business that they would otherwise not know of. 

8. Blogs Require Minimal Effort Yet Provide Long-Term Results

The most time-intensive portion of having a blog on your website is composing the blog posts. Once you have written and published a blog post, it remains on your website for years to come. It can continue to educate customers, generate leads, and improve your SEO. 

When considering the long-term effects of a blog post on your website, blogs require minimal effort. If you struggle with the writing process or lack content inspiration, working with a search engine optimization agency can be an excellent way to outsource the writing process.

9. Blog Posts Are a Budget-Friendly Marketing Strategy

Because blog posts provide you with such long-term results, they are a budget-friendly marketing strategy. Use your blog post to sell products, generate leads, grow your social media presence, educate your customers, and more. Due to the versatility of blog posts, you can use a well-written blog on multiple online platforms.

10. Connect With Your Community Through Blog Posts

Do you know what your customers are looking for? What does your community value? There are many ways to connect with your community through blog posts. By sharing feedback from customers and updating your community on updates, you can involve those supporting your business in the monthly happenings around your company. 

Another way to connect with and feature your community through blog posts would be to feature guest writers. Every business has a group of VIPs – important customers who have been with you from the start. Ask one of your loyal customers to share their experience through a written interview or story that is shared on a blog post. By sharing your products or services through the eyes of a consumer, you can generate interest in the things you have to offer.

How to Start a Blog On Your Website

Website Blog Post Now that you know the many ways that a blog can benefit your business, you are likely wondering how to get started. Fortunately, starting a blog is not as challenging as you may think. Depending on how your website is set up, you may already have access to a blog page. If not, it may be wise to consult a website design agency to add this capacity to your website.

Brainstorm Blog Post Topics

Begin to gather a list of potential blog post topics. Some people find it helpful to designate categories such as educational, promotional, or testimonials to ensure a good assortment of post topics. Once you begin to brainstorm blog post topics, you will find that you have an endless life of ideas with which to begin your blog.

Start Writing Quality Content

It is important to value quality over quantity. Instead of writing 10 poorly written blog posts, focus your energy on 2-3 well-written posts. A blog post that is optimized for SEO should feature appropriate keywords and be between 500-1,500 words in length. Why does the length of your blog post matter? Google receives cues from the content that is on your website and places a higher value on longer-form articles.

For most people, writing is not an enjoyable task. Because of this, it may be worthwhile to outsource your blog post writing to an SEO or social media marketing agency. 

Utilize Your Blog Posts

While a blog post will begin to work in your favor as soon as it is published to your website, it will perform best if you utilize the post on various platforms. Share the blog post link on your social media pages encouraging followers to read the article. Add the article to your monthly newsletter. Point customers with questions to blog posts that contain the information they need. By utilizing your blog posts in various ways, you will both increase your engagement and generate leads.

Let’s Strategize!

Are you wanting to add a blog to your website but not quite sure how to get started? We are passionate about utilizing blog posts to help our clients boost their social presence and search engine optimization.

Our team of writers ready to help you express your brand’s personality and goals through well-written blog content. We will work with you to share your story and educate your community in a way that is genuine and authentic. We’d love to discuss how a blog could benefit your business or organization! Contact our team today to schedule your free strategy session. We look forward to hearing from you!