08 Jul Cash In Your Pocket: Word of Mouth Advertising
We are a small business that probably started just like yours. We had a vision for where we wanted to go and dove right in. A lot of things we had no clue how to do, but we said yes to the client then figured it out. You can read about start up in this post.
Now after some years of work under out belt, we’ve built a name for ourselves and met some amazing clients, most of which are now friends. All it took for us was one happy client that shared our name with a friend and that’s how we started our growth. Not much has changed. The avenues of marketing available these days are vast- social media, business cards, network marketing groups, websites, SEO, newsletters, mailers, etc., but one thing has proven true for us. Word-of-mouth has been our greatest form of marketing.
We recently started looking into new ways to market McWilliams Media. After realizing that word-of-mouth was and continues to be our best form of marketing, we are choosing to put our money there. What does that mean for you? Glad you asked 🙂 That simply means that starting this month, if you recommend us to other business owners, we will put cash in your pocket. Any project $500 or greater that we finish for someone you’ve recommended, we send you a check for $50, plain and simple.
We appreciate you and your influence when it comes to recommending McWilliams Media. Your loyalty and kind words about our company carry more weight than a Facebook ad or Newsletter ever could and for that we are truly grateful. So here’s to cash in your pocket and more clients for us to serve!
Intersted in ideas on how to boost word-of-mouth marketing for you company? Take a look at this article.